
2023 Le Tombeau de Couperin. Composer: Maurice Ravel / arr. Mathias Reumert
Purchase the score directly from Edition Svitzer

Please contact Mathias directly for the following scores

Vibraphone Crash Course (2020). Sheet music for Mathias' video course.

 (2017). Music theater for 2 performers and kitchenware.
Co-written with David Hildebrandt. From the show Ein Trommelspiel/Et Trommespil.

Prehistory. (2017). Duo version: for electronically processed “I Ching” kalimba and marimba. Trio version: for electronically processed “I Ching” kalimba, marimba and synthesizer.
Co-written with David Hildebrandt. From the show Ein Trommelspiel/Et Trommespil.

 (2011). For percussion trio.

 (2009). For percussion trio.
Co-written with David Hildebrandt and Mathias Friis-Hansen.